This is one of my least favorite poses for many reasons but mostly because I don’t like lying down by myself while I hear others doing their shoulder-stands and headstands. This is when I have to practice Ahimsa towards my body. I urge all my students to listen to their body and be nice to it. So what am I rambling about?
Viparita Karani Asana is the Legs up the wall pose. It is considered to be a restorative pose and a good substitute to the shoulderstand.
A good description of this asana can be found through this article in Yoga Journal. (Note: their pose has a bolster/blanket underneath.)
Instruction on how to do this pose (no props.):
- Sit on your mat right next to the wall. You may draw your knees towards your chest.
- Slowly lift your legs up to the wall while you lower your back to your mat. Use your elbows to support your self down.
- Put your hands away from your hips, palms facing up. (Stay in the pose)
- To come out of the pose, Hug your knees then roll to your side.
There are variations to this restorative pose.
- Legs together straight up (what we usually do)
- Legs in a V formation.
- Legs in diamond shape (soles of the feet facing each other).
- you may also use props like folded blankets or a bolster underneath you.
- Karen
* added gif of the pose. Note, you can bring your buttocks nearer to the wall. In the picture I’m kind of far from the wall.
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